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I can see a snake crawling away


I can see a snake crawling away.

It is difficult for me to distinguish whether it is a poisonous one or not. However a snake is a snake.

The scripture showed me that the serpent was more subtle than any wild animals which the LORD God had made.

Wild animals and tamed animals

I am familiar with forest life, but I found more snakes in villages than forest.


My childhood period:

I have seen many snakes inside my hut and top, in courtyard and farm

My brother and I used to kill snakes almost every day and many number of times a day.

We have made a practice to kill them whenever we see snakes.

We have continued to do so even after our hut turned to a house and we turned to teenage from childhood.

I used to think why these many snakes are found in this house only.

I was not afraid of snakes any time of my life.

 I have killed many snakes carefully and diligently.

This same question was always raised up in my mind.

“Why these many snakes are found here?”

Hence I started to observe my family members.


When I have seen the presence of so many snakes, I felt that something is going wrong in my house. But I did not share it with anyone.

I was realizing that many unnatural things – something that is ungodly - are happening in my family.

I have noticed much goodness in my parents and siblings; But I was realizing that everyone including me is doing evil. 

They were unharmonious. Fighting, and beatings were a regular seen. Even then, immediately after that we all used to dine together.

I have seen so much of evil in my family.

I have heard much about the evil in my ancestor’s life.  But I learned more evil than good about them.

Though I was realizing the evil, I did not have words to tell them about goodness.

I did not have proof to show them the nature of goodness.

I started to react when I see evil. Hence I became an angry person.

Everyone portrayed me as proud and I was getting isolated.

During this time, I have seen we all children- my brother and sisters are getting split.


There was none to help.

I have never seen anyone to provide right advices.

No one has visited my house questioning the evil.

No one was there to correct us.


Then I thought of uniting all of us together and tried many times to invite all of them for a dinner to make them understand about the depth of evil in our family. But by the time I decided and plan to execute it, they all collectively expelled me..

I did not get a chance to share my heart’s desire to them. 


I cried bitterly when I was rejected and expelled.

"Oh! God no one has seen my mind.

No one is realizing the desires of my heart

Please guide me, I am alone."


My prayer is heard.

Love has received me

He has revealed the lessons of goodness in the love of Jesus.

I was shown what is evil - the devils work.

The devil destroyed my house

He scattered my family

He made my sister perished.


I am unable to do anything for my family members though I know the work of satan( the devil) very well today.

They don’t listen to my words.

They don’t know Bible.

They don’t know the True God

They don’t know the love of God

They are on their way to destruction


Jesus, save them LORD.

I can only cry for them.


The above lamentation of Pheba Hanna God revealed  on Easter Sunday, April 05, 2015 @ 10.40PM



for  the New Generation


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