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What we believe.....





In Kainos we believe.......



  • God is the eternal king, pre-existing Creator of the havens and earth. He is an unchanging Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, kindness, justice, power and love.   He exists only as one God in three manifestations: The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit, all the same in essence, power and glory.

  • The Kingdom of God is eternal. From His throne God created, maintains and governs all that exists though His Son Jesus Christ.

  • God created human beings in His image and likeness, man and woman, to keep and maintain a relationship with Him and to govern over the earth.


  • The devil originally was an angle that rebelled against God. He was kicked out from the presence of God as a rebel and established a kingdom of darkness and evil on the earth.

  • Under satan’s temptation, the original human beings fell from God’s grace when they disobeyed God. They brought sin, sickness, judgment and death to the rest of the human race.

  • Through the sin of human beings, satan and his forces of darkness and evil gained access to God’s good creation.

  • Today, God’s creation, experiences the consequences and effects of the original sin of Adam & Eve. Human beings are born in the sinful world, they are tied the judgment of death and are prisoners of Satan’s Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of darkness.

  • God never abandoned his domain on earth, keeping it by his Divine Providence. To bring redemption to humanity and restoration to earth he established covenants in which he revealed his grace to a sinful humanity.


  • Through His covenant with Abraham, God promised him that He would bless all the nations in him.

  • God honored his covenant and His promises of salvation by sending His only Son to redeem those who were under the law of sin and death so that they would receive the adoption as His Children.

  • His Eternal Son, Jesus, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born from Virgin Mary. He is the true Son of God and a man in one person. He never sinned, gave His life on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. God resurrected Him 3 days later.

  • Jesus triumphed over death and sin defeating Satan and his evil forces of darkness. He was taken to heaven where he now is sitting at the right hand of God the Father, where He reigns over the universe.


  • The Holy Spirit is the Lord and life giver, who produces from the Father. Together with the Father and Son He is praised, worshiped and glorified.

  • The Holy Spirit was given to the church on the day of the Pentecost, baptizing all who believed in Him releasing and giving His spiritual gifts on those who believed.

  • Being guided and filled with the Holy Spirit, in His present ministry, His Gifts, fruits and power, and His manifestation to the lives of every believer.


  • In the royal priesthood of every believer.


  • The Bible is the works of the Holy Spirit that was revealed to human authors whose original manuscripts are free from error. We accept the sixty six books from the Old and New Testament as the final absolute authority when it comes to faith and the practice of Christian life.


  • The system of this world is under the power of Satan who manipulates fear of death to trap and enslave humanity.

  • All humans are sinners by nature and as a consequence we are separated from God under His judgment.

  • Through the acceptance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, by the works of the Holy Spirit, is the only way in which God justifies, regenerates, adopts and sanctifies all those who repent from their sins, believe and trust that Jesus Christ died for their sins and He rose again on the third day, and accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.


  • In only one church that is holy and universal. All who repent from their sins, confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior and begin to live by faith and obedience to Him, form part of the body of Christ, in which He is the head the believers are the part of the body.


  • Christ is the only priest, pastor, and teacher of the Christian Church. He alone forgives sins and offers communion with God, His Father. Christ alone guides and rules his people. Christ remains with his Church as its living and unique head. Christ remains present and active in the Church through the Holy Spirit.


  • Through the sacrament of holy orders bishops give order to the Church. Bishops guarantee the continuity and unity of the Church from age to age and from place to place, that is, from the time of Christ and the apostles until the establishment of God's Kingdom in eternity. Bishops receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to manifest Christ in the Spirit to men. Bishops are neither vicars, substitutes, nor representatives of Christ. It is Christ, through His chosen ministers, who acts as teacher, good shepherd, forgiver, and healer. It is Christ remitting sins, and curing the physical, mental, and spiritual ills of mankind. This is a mystery of the Church.


  • Holy  Baptism in water just as Jesus Christ ordered.

  • In the celebration of the Lord’s Supper just as he taught us.

  • In the manifestation and the extension of the Kingdom of God over all creation.


  • That Jesus will come back just as He promised.

  • In the resurrection of the dead, Jesus flowered for eternal life and the others for condemnation.

  • Once all of creation has been placed under Jesus domain, He will give it all back to the Father so that God can be all in all. He will reign over a new heaven and a new earth where He will be praised and glorified forever and ever.

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