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Kainos Ministries started its activities early in 2009 when   N. Mathew, returned to India  after 25 years of employment in Gulf,  as a General Manager in Bahrain.  During the turbulent days of his life when everyone including family members and friends rejected him, God did not reject him.  He was called for full time ministry with a clear call.  After 3 months of his  ministry with CEF Delhi, God revealed His plan for him.


He  was going through a series of direct encounters with the devil regularly and witnessed many miracles God performed in the midst of it. He personally experienced the power of the name of Jesus Chrsit.  During this phase he was thoroughly trained and made understand about the nature and practices of satan’s kingdom.  immediately, he was drawn to participate in two parallel lines of ministry, teaching and deliverance.


Having received wisdom from Above and from the Word of God, he had  been engaged in deliverance ministry since 2010. He has literally learnt as the Scripture says:" what is impossible with man is possible with  God."



God spoke to him to start an organization with the name Kainos Ministries.  In November 2014 Kainos Ministries has been registered in Andhra Pradesh, India as a Trust. All  board members are anointed and  are directly called by God.


Lately God guided them to conduct trainings to prepare people for Delivernance ministry. The first batch  is conducted at Jujjavaram, AP in July 2014.


In March 2015, Pheba Hanna, one of the ministers have been anointed for Prophertic Ministry and God is using her to  reveal His Word  through  Proverbs,  parables , testimony and gospel for the new generation.


Deliverance ministry as well as Prophetic Ministry  is an anointed ministry. 


Kainos ministries put their trust in God through  Faith and Obedience. Humility before God  and Holinesss are the corner stone. We put our foundation on LORD Jesus Christ and the Word of God.





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